Science updates: Press release on my recent publication/ Pressemitteilung für meine Publikation

— English — Zooming into the dense swirls in the Whirlpool galaxy in my newest publication that now is available online! This publication is accompanied by a German press release by MPIA which you can find here. A great thanks to the head of the press team of MPIA, Markus Nielbock! The paper presents the …

MPIA Open day – Don’t miss my talk (14. October 2023)

The MPIA Open day finally takes place this saturday after several years of delay. There will be a dedicated series of talks (you can find the schedule here), including my (German) talk at 10:30 on star formation in nearby galaxies. Der MPIA Tag der offenen Türe findet diesen Samstag (14. Oktober) nach einigen Jahren endlich …

Galactic Bars conference

This July, I attended a conference on stellar dynamics and stellar bars in galaxies. I was able to present my recently published work on Morphological features in PHANGS based on molecular gas and you can even find the presentation slides online in zenodo. The conference took place in Granada in Spain, close to the Alhambra …